Открытый урок в 9-м классе по теме: «Integrating the Internet in the Сlassroom» с использованием ЭОР и видеоконференции
Галустьян С. А.
Почетный работник общего образования Российской Федерации,
учитель англ. яз.
МОУ СОШ №42 г. Владимира
Нохов М.М.
Почетный работник общего образования Российской Федерации,
Заслуженный учитель Дагестана,
Директор ДДТ,
Учитель английского языка гимназии № 1 г. Хасавюрта.
Практические задачи:
Формировать навыки разных видов аудирования (понимание основной идеи, с детальным пониманием прослушанного);
Учить работе в Интернете (поиск заданной информации, выполнение тестовых заданий в режиме online, оформление электронных открыток);
Формировать навыки говорения на основе полученной информации;
Создавать благоприятную атмосферу для дискуссии, основанную на имеющихся у учащихся филологические знаниях, материалах для чтения, материалах из Интернета;
Учить общению в режиме online в ходе проведения видеоконференции.
Развивающие задачи:
Формирование логического мышления и памяти учащихся;
Формирование лингвистической, коммуникативно-речевой компетенции учащихся;
Формирование языковой догадки;
Формирование потребности у учащихся использовать новую информацию для построения высказывания.
Воспитательные задачи:
Формирование мотивации к учебе, используя ИКТ;
Формирование умения работать в группе;
Воспитание у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре другого региона нашей страны.
План урока
Т. Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? Is everything OK? I’m glad to see you and hope you are fine.
Т. Our English lesson will take place in the classroom of Computer Studies and we are going to use different techniques and opportunities which the Internet places at our disposal. But at first I’d like you to answer a few questions.
1. Who has the Internet at home? – Only a few pupils have it.
2. Do you often use it? What for?
P1. I use the Internet every day. I search for necessary information for my lessons.
P2. Once a week. I navigate the Internet and look for some interesting facts.
P3. Every day. I learn the world news.
P4. I use the Internet twice a month. I check my e-mail and write letters to my pen-friends.
P5. I look for new computer games and play them.
P6. I search for the lyrics of the English songs.
T. OK. So you can see that the Internet can be used for different purposes.
3. Do you often use the Internet at school? At what lessons?
Ps We use it at our English lessons and at the lessons of Information Technology.
4. How did you work with the Internet?
P1.Our English teacher gave us some questions on different topics and we were looking for the answers to them.
P2. We made some quizzes online.
P3. We worked in the program Skype and communicated with teenagers from Dagestan.
P4. We searched for the lyrics of some English songs.
P5. We printed out our answers and results.
T. And what about your Information Technology lessons?
Ps We learnt to operate different programs in the Internet.
5. Are you allowed to work in the Internet in this classroom after classes?
Ps Yes, we can work here every Thursday.
6. Would you like to use the Internet at each lesson? Why?
Ps Yes, certainly. It is interesting and exciting. The Internet makes lessons more interesting and funny. It is the fastest way of getting the information. We can learn much more information with the help of the Internet.
III. Телемост с учащимися гимназии №1 г. Хасавюрта республики Дагестан.
T. You know that it was Vladimir Putin’s initiative to provide all Russian schools with the Internet, some schools were connected to it a few years ago and their students are much more proficient in using the Internet. I mean our friends from gymnasium #1 from the city of Khasavurt, Dagestan. That’s why I’d like you to ask them some questions you are interested in.
T. Good morning, Khasavurt! Do you hear us? How are you today? We are speaking about using the Internet at our English lessons. We know that you have an opportunity to work with the Internet at each lesson. Am I right? Unfortunately we don’t. So my students would like to ask your students a few questions. Are you ready?
1. How does the Internet help you in your studies?
2. What problems with connection to the Internet do you have?
3. What speed does your provider guarantee?
4. What Web sites do you usually visit?
5. Why do teenagers like the Internet?
6. Do you write letters via the Internet?
7. How do you work with the Internet?
8. What are your favourite sites?
9. Does your school have its own Web site? What is its address?
10. How many pupils in your group can work in the Internet at the same time?
11. How long can you work in the Internet at the lesson?
12. What Web sites would you recommend us to use at our English lessons?
Answers of the pupils from Dagestan:
1. How does the Internet help you in your studies?
P1. I suppose the Internet is a very useful invention of mankind. If I need to find something I mustn’t go to the library or look through a lot of books. It is enough for me to get into the Internet and type what I need, and here are lots of sites at my disposal. For example it is very useful to do on-line English tests in Google dot ru.
P2. I agree with him. It is really very useful to use the Internet if you want to find anything new/ I’m very fond of physics and I always try to find new information or some interesting facts to use at the lesson.
2. What problems with connection to the Internet do you have?
P1. Usually we don’t have any problems and the connection is usually very good. But of course there are cases when it is impossible to get into the internet because we don’t know due to which reason our provider cuts us off.
P2. You are right. Besides we have an Internet connection through the telephone and as we have a very old telephone station in the city many of the telephones don’t work very often.
3. What speed does your provider guarantee?
There are two Internet providers in our city – Dagestan network and our school internet, which is called Putin Internet. I think you’ve got the same. The traffic of Dagnet is very fast, especially if you have got a modern computer. The traffic of the other is rather slow and it takes a lot of time to upload what we want to. It is very difficult to open the websites and if you want to send some pictures to your friends via e-mail they want come through.
4. What Web sites do you usually visit?
P1. I visit many sites, but my favourite is IGoogle, where I have got my own page. I advise everybody to have it as the homepage, because you can arrange it in the way you like. It is easy to upload pictures there, videos, music, etc. And they are always by the hand.
P2. I like making presentations. I think to be a good designer you must learn how to operate the Power Point program. Teachers often ask me to prepare a presentation on this or that topic and I have to spend a lot of time in different Web sites to find the necessary information. I usually work in Google. ru or Google .com . The collection of pictures there is the largest in the Internet. The Websites in Google are very nice too.
5. Why do teenagers like the Internet?
P1. I shan’t speak about why the teenagers like the Internet; I’ll tell why I like it. I live rather far from our city library. I’m interested in biology and if I want to find any information I must go to the library. But very often there isn’t any information I’m looking for there and here – you must only write in Google tool bar want you want to have and here you are.
P2. I participate in the Global classroom program with the students from Belfast High school? Maine, U.S.A. I have a friend there – John Black. We send each other e-mails very often. I ask him about the questions I am interested in about American history, culture, traditions, youth and he answers them. I like that I get the questions from the boy who is my age.
6. Do you write letters via the Internet?
Yes, we do. All of us have e-mail addresses and we correspond with our friends from Belfast High school.
7. How do you work with the Internet?
I think many students have already answered this question but I work with the Internet regularly. I don’t spend much time there – it’s very expensive, but before coming to the Internet I must know exactly what I want to find and where I can find it.
8. What are your favorite sites?
My favorite sites are – Voice of America special English, U-tube. com, slideshare. Net. In U-tube com. I can see lots of videos and in Slideshare net. There are lots of power point presentations I can use in my studies.
9. Does your school have its own Web site? What is its address?
Yes, we have. Its address is www.dagschool.com. Besides our teacher of English Mikhail Magomedovich Nokhov has a very interesting and useful web site. Its address is www.accesskhas.ru
10. How many pupils in your group can work in the Internet at the same time?
There are not many classes in our gymnasium, so we haven’t got many computers. All of them are in our English study, so we can use them very often. We have got eight computers and eight students can work at the same time.
11. How long can you work in the Internet at the lesson?
When the internet was free of charge we could work as long as we wanted to, but nowadays I don’t think we’ll often work in it and for a long time.
12. What Web sites would you recommend us to use at our English lessons?
We have already named some of them but there are lots of interesting Websites in the site of our teacher. He lets everybody use them Go to some interesting web sites.
IV. Экскурсия по сайту http://www.accesskhas.ru
T. Thank you very much, Khasavurt! We’ve learnt so much interesting and I hope our students will follow your advice and this information will be very useful for them. And now we are going to make a short tour of M.M. Nokhov’s web site. I think it will be very interesting both for the students and teachers present here. Mikhail Magomedovich, you are welcome!
M.M. проводит экскурсию по своему сайту.
T. Thank you very much, M.M. We will use the information from your web site at our lessons by all means. We also have our school web site and we will be happy if you visit it too. Its address ishttp://www.vladsch42.narod.ru
VI. Work on the Internet.
1) Работа в slideshre.net
T. M.M., we see that you have a lot of presentations on your site. How do you manage to upload them? Can you give us a piece of advice?
(Учащиеся учатся отсылать Power Point презентации)
T. And now let’s do some practical tasks. It goes without saying that the Internet contains a lot of useful and unuseful information and sometimes it’s impossible to find the information you need quickly. That’s why you should know exactly what kind of information you are looking for and where it can be found. You have a list of specialized search engines and directories which can be very useful. They are divided into 3 columns: the subject, directories and the links.(см. Приложение 2) So if you are interested in some materials for kids you can go to Yahoo!Kids and find there games, movies, stories, music and more.
T. - If you want to find some information about British schools what directory will you go to?
- some educational aspects?
- information of any kind?
- radio programs?
- images, sounds and videos?
- biographies of famous people?
- information about different countries?
- TV programs, movies, actors?
- current news?
T. You’ve got a large list of search engines with detailed description of their features. If you read and translate it attentively, I hope, it will help you in your future work with the Internet. And you’ve already used a few of these search engines. Which of them are the most popular in our country?
Ps. Google, Yandex, Ask.com, Alta Vista, Rambler, Brainboost, etc.
T. So today our task will be to work in different search engines and to see which of them are the most useful and easy to operate.
The tasks: (см. Приложение 1)
1) It's St. Patrick's Day today! Time to wear a shamrock, go green, get jiggy and spread some Paddy magic. Make this St. Patrick's Day very special for your friends/family/near and dear ones with our warm and wonderful Happy St. Patrick's Day e-cards. Wish them a pot of good luck and a lot of good cheer with these cards and add some more smiles to their St. Patrick's Day.
Go to Google, type St. Patrick’s Day, find the link Customs, Traditions and History-Irish Folklore. Find the line Send a St Patrick’s Day greeting card, choose the card, write the message to your English teacher and send it to vlsch42engl@mail.ru.
2) We have spoken a lot about Australia this term. Let’s test your knowledge of this country. Go to Google, type quiz on Australia, choose Quia Australia and do the quiz, then print out your results.
3) Find the answers to these questions. Use different search engines, please.
Who designed Canberra, the Australian capital? (Walter Burley Griffin)
Which city is bigger: Canberra or Sydney? What is its population? (Sydney – 4.2 mln)
How long is the Great Barrier Reef? (2500 km)
What do the Olga Rocks mean? (many heads)
Who inhabited Australia 42 000 years ago? (Indigenous Australians, aborigines)
Find the lyrics of the Beatles’ song “A little help from my friends”
T. Hand in your results.
VII.Подведение итогов.
T. Thank you for your great job. All of you did all the tasks successfully and you will get good and excellent marks. One more question: what search engines did you use and which of them were the most convenient for you work? Why?
Ps . Google, Yandex, Ask.com, Alta Vista, Rambler, Brainboost, etc.
-They are easy to operate.
-They have a lot of useful links.
-We asked questions in plain English and got the retrieved pages very fast.
-We managed to get the necessary information within a short period of time.
T. Thank you. You worked very well and were helpful to each other. And now let’s sing the Beatles’ song “A little help from my friends”
Приложение 1 ( раздается каждому учащемуся)

Приложение 2

Specialized Search Engines and Directories
There are approximately zillions of specialized search engines out there, as can be seen at Search Engine Guide. The list below is a selective subset of these, chosen because they might help you find materials useful as resources in a WebQuest. All of these links lead to sites that contain specific information that may not turn up when you do a general search of the Web using Altavista, Yahoo, and other search engines and directories. For a more comprehensive list, you might also want to check the Invisible-Web site.
Directories Especially for Educators
Material appropriate for children
Yahoo! Kids
Kids Click!
ThinkQuest Entries
Kids Search Tool
Ask Jeeves for Kids
School and university sites
Wired schools
Web66 School Registry
CyberPlayGround List
Multi-subject starting points
BBC Schools
BBC Learning
Blue Web'n
Education World
Schrock's Guide
Internet Scout
http://www.free.ed.gov/sitemap.cfm (NEW)
Children's software
California Learning Resource Network
Lesson plans
ALI Units of Practice
Lesson Plans Page
Curriculum standards
Education World
Info on educational issues
ERIC Search
ERIC Digests
http://ericadr.piccard.csc.com/teams/Login.do NEW
Search Engines and Databases Not Just for Education
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check here:
type these in the location bar:
Encyclopedia entries
Magazine articles
AJR Newslink Magazines
Newspaper articles
AJR Newslink Newspaper Index
Current news
Google News
Blog Postings
http://www.technorati.com/ NEW
Radio stations
Literature in the public domain
Google Book Search
On-Line Books Page
Search e-Books
The Bartleby Library
http://www.books.google.com/ NEW
Copyrighted books in print
Barnes and Noble
Google Image Search
Fagan Finder
E-Bay Postcards
Images, sounds, videos of animals
Live images from everywhere
Primary source documents
Library of Congress American Memory
Federal (U.S.) legislation
Company information
Thomas Register
Industrial Quick Search
http://www.thomasregister.com/ (free membership required)
Pictures and information about any product of the last two centuries
Biographical Dictionary
Maptech MapServer (topo)
Country profiles
Atlapedia Online
Kiosk: Journal of Geopolitics
State & county profiles
US Census Dept QuickFacts
Medical information
Military information
U.S.Patent Office
TV episodes
Movies, actors
Internet Movie Database
Measurement Conversion
Shareware & freeware
C|Net Download
Even more search engines
А с англичанами телемост не
Мы устраивали с американцами,
Мы устраивали с американцами, было интересно, но качество Интернета желает оставлять лучшего!
Используется очень интересная
Спасибо, Екатерина! У нас
У нас довольно большой опыт по проведению видеоконфернций. Даже была видеоконференция между методистами Дворцов Творчества юных и классными руководителями наших школ и школ города Владимира и Хасавюрта.
Действительно, очень